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H.Stuart Hughes, "Histoire de l'Europe contemporaine", Vol 1, Marabout Université, (Original: "Contemporary Europe: A History", Prentice-Hall 1961)
Stathis N. Kalyvas, "Red Terror: Leftist Violence during the Occupation", in: Mark Mazower (ed), "After the war was over", Princeton University Press, 2000
Walter Kirchner, "Russian History", 7th ed., HarperCollins Publishers, New York 1991
Michael Llewellyn Smith, "Ionian Vision - Greece in Asia Minor 1919-1922", 3rd ed., C.Hurst & Co, London 2000
Cyril Mango, "Byzantium, the empire of the new Rome", Phoenix, London 1994
Mark Mazower (ed), "After the war was over", Princeton University Press 2000
Emil Niederhauser, "The rise of nationality in Eastern Europe", Corvina, Budapest 1982
John Julius Norwich, "Byzantium - the early centuries", Penguin Books, London 1990
John Julius Norwich, "Byzantium - the apogee", Penguin Books, London 1993
John Julius Norwich, "Byzantium - the decline and fall", Penguin Books, London 1996
Steven Runciman, "De val van Constantinopel 1453", Haarlem 1979
Henrik Scholte, "Scholte's Griekenland", Allert de Lange bv, Amsterdam 1976
Mikis Theodorakis, "Journal de résistance", Flammarion, Paris 1971
August Thiry, "Mechelen aan de Tigris", EPO, Antwerpen 2001
C.M.Woodhouse, "Modern Greece: A Short History", 5th ed, Faber & Faber Ltd, London, 1991, 1998